Ensure that your date, time and timezone are correct

A step by step guide on how to correct your date, time and timezone can be found here

Enable Third-Party Cookies

To sign in or register, your browser must be configured to accept third-party cookies. Please follow the browser-specific instructions below to enable third-party cookies.

Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE)

To enable cookies in IE 7:

  1. Click Start > Control Panel. (Note: with Windows XP Classic View, click the Windows Start button > Settings > Control Panel).
  2. Double-click the Internet Options icon.
  3. Click the Privacy tab.
  4. Click the Advanced button.
  5. Select the option 'Override automatic cookie handling' under the Cookies section in the Advanced Privacy Settings window.
  6. Select the 'Accept' or 'Prompt' option under 'First-party Cookies.'
  7. Select the 'Accept' or 'Prompt' option under 'Third-party Cookies.' (Note: if you select the 'Prompt' option, you'll be prompted to click OK every time a website attempts to send you a cookie.)
  8. In the Internet Options window, click OK to exit.

To enable cookies in IE 6:

  1. Click Start > Control Panel. (Note: with Windows XP Classic View, click the Windows Start button > Settings > Control Panel).
  2. Click the Advanced button.
  3. Select the option 'Override Automatic Cookie Handling.'
  4. Select the 'Accept' or 'Prompt' option under 'First-party Cookies.'
  5. Select the 'Accept' or 'Prompt' option under 'Third-party Cookies.' (Note: if you select the 'Prompt' option, you'll be prompted to click OK every time a website attempts to send you a cookie.)
  6. In the Internet Options window, click OK to exit.

Mozilla Firefox

To enable cookies in Mozilla Firefox 3.x (PC):

  1. Click Tools > Options.
  2. Click Privacy in the top panel.
  3. Select the checkbox labeled 'Accept cookies from sites.'
  4. Select the checkbox labeled 'Accept third-party cookies.'
  5. Click OK.

To enable cookies in Mozilla Firefox 2.x (PC):

  1. Click Tools > Options.
  2. Click Privacy in the top panel.
  3. Select the checkbox labeled 'Accept cookies from sites.'
  4. Click OK.

To enable cookies in Mozilla Firefox 1.x (PC):

  1. Click Tools > Options.
  2. Click Privacy in the top panel.
  3. Click the Cookies tab.
  4. Select the checkbox labeled 'Allow sites to set cookies.'
  5. Click OK.

To enable cookies in Mozilla Firefox (Mac):

  1. Go to the Firefox drop-down menu.
  2. Select Preferences.
  3. Click Privacy.
  4. Under Cookies, select the option 'Accept cookies from sites.'


To enable cookies in Safari:

  1. Go to the Safari drop-down menu.
  2. Select Preferences.
  3. Click Security in the top panel.
  4. Under 'Accept Cookies' select the option 'Always.'

If your browser is not listed above, please refer to your browser's help pages.

You may need to restart your browser to proceed.